There are reports they are beginning to move into this Canadian's "back yard".

I have no negative feelings about the reports they are spreading their range a bit.

In every area of B.C. I've hunted in where wolves were present - they were handled about like every other game species. If the biologists said their numbers are high - we have a more liberal season, both in duration and total bag limits. If they become scarce - we shorten the season, or allow fewer to be killed. Simple really.

The wolf has as much right to wander the wild parts of my province as I do, and as much right as any moose, elk, grizzly, coyote etc. When I hear or see them, I'm thrilled - just like any other wildlife I observe.

I sure don't see why they shouldn't be managed just like any other game animal. Keep the numbers at a decent level, and enjoy the hunting opportunities they provide.

That's the way I see it anyways, most of the people I hunt with, feel about the same way too.

I don't know what the fuss is about.


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."