DPole - sorry to have ruffled your feathers so badly. Meanwhile, I'm hardly worked up at all. Can't take much of anything on this forum seriously enough crack a sweat over it.

I don't mind seeing wolves hunted where they can be. I also don't see much reason to think that the world (or hunting) needs to come to an end if they aren't. How long has it been since Minnesota had a wolf season (or shall we say, a time when wolf shooting was allowed?). 50 yrs maybe? Certainly close to that. In that time, how many humans have been killed? Zero (but maybe we should increase that by 1 for Snowbank Man).

How has the deer herd done in that time? Doubled, tripled, quadrupled? What's your best guess? Certainly it is up dramatically.

It seems that you and some others don't much care for having the same sort of rhetoric pitched at you that you spew in the name of cuteness at everyone else. All dish I guess.

Say, what field work are you doing that I could read about for my classes? Of course, I do a lot of field work myself, so I'm just curious what you are up to.


Save an elk, shoot a cow.