Okay. You said:
Originally Posted by northwestalaska
I think that killing anything from the air is a bad idea! I don't have an issue with hunting and trapping wolves but there is no Fair Chase in a super cub with a gunner on board. Poor idea period!

Kotzebue Alaska

I said:

Originally Posted by Klikitarik
I have only hunted wolves incidentally, but know plenty of fellows who do it more seriously. I will say that wolf hunting (and trapping) is not a gimmee by any means.

Which means that in spite of the occasional easy wolf or pack of wolves that gets taken, wolves do tend to be very hard-won quarry and involve considerable good luck.

I can also say with some certainty that hunting the Northwest Arctic caribou herd can, at times, be almost as difficult as shooting cattle.

Imagine shooting cattle if you will. If you can't, think about hunting the herd of caribou that drifts around your part of the state with great regularity. Now, assuming you have much experience hunting those animals, think about all the times when they have either stood there and stared - a whole herd of animals standing mostly broadside and within easy rifle shot. That's what shooting cattle would be like. And you and I both know that shooting caribou is sometimes just like that. Other people reading this may not, so I included the cattle thing to give them a picture as well.

I think it would be fair to say that shooting wolves from an airplane equates to hunting more readily than does a caribou hunt that equivocates to shooting domestic livestock.

If shooting wolves from a plane - let's just go with the thought that it is not hunting at all- is a bad method of reducing wolf numbers, then shooting "virtual domestic cattle" and calling that hunting is wrong also. All that is is "shooting" them. I would question if that should be done either unless the numbers are too great for the range. (Personally, I would like to see you "Kotz guys" stop shooting caribou. Go ahead and hunt them when they allow themselves to be taken in a sporting manner. Otherwise, let the population grow. We all know that increases the likelyhood that they will range further in their search for food which, in turn, means that more people can "hunt" them over a wider area.)

Sometimes, the air you 'let in'matters less than the air you 'let out'.