What about a person who is kicked off of several shooting websites, does that person have any credibility?

How about a person who is banned from here, makes several user names so he can sneak back on here, LIES by saying his name is Karen, posts many times ending with the name Karen at the bottom of their post, when indeed that person is actually a man ( loose term) who says he is Karen?

And what about a person who is so vile most every thread they post on has derogatory comments, like a person owns a rusted 63 ford pickup, as a recent post of said lowlife? Does that ahole have any credibility in your world, Larry?

You may be most everything you posted above, but being a LIAR, and posting vile things like you do and have done, makes you slimier than pond scum. You must be proud of your persona here and elsewhere you post, Larry, but the joke is on you...99% of the people who know you from your posts dislikes you, Larry.

Just another day in the postings from Larry Root, AKA Karen.

At 69 one would think most grown men would act like an adult.....but you are proof there are old aholes......

Act civil, Larry, you make make 1 or 2 friends here... your choice.

And it is amazing how you post others Lie, when you are the epitome of a LIAR on this website
