Originally Posted by Tom264
I'm laffin......but its at you Idiot!!!!

Where is all your 50+ club members here to back you up??????

Nowhere.......cause there aint none

If there is.......let em post here to defend you!!!


Kinda funny how similar all the various issues with Larry are. For over a decade Larry has been misunderstood and conspired against and all the many folks complaining about him are all out to get him.
It's never Larry's fault.
What could he possibly be doing to generate so much animosity towards him?

Oh, that's right, he's an arrogant whiny bitchh with a superiority complex and no respect for anybody.

Larry, not hard to find my username on the auction sites. Unlike you I don't have to hide behind a new username on every site. Hell, on this site alone you have used several.

The Chosin Few November to December 1950, Korea.
I'm not one of the Chosin Few but no more remarkable group of Americans ever existed.