Well freedumb, Karen works outside the home, unlike her lazyazz retired husband who just does his book business on Ebay. So, chances are when you call you'll get me. Sorry you missed speaking to her, she is much nicer than I.

You didn't seem to mind taking the money, now did you ?

As for old Yellow streak, I hope what he said made your day as I missed it (he is on ignore along with the other thread pirate dolts).

With 50+ user i.d.s now registered by our club members, you're gonna have a helluva a time keeping track of us.

Next time you want to sell something, just specify you won't sell it to anyone form Pinedale WY or Key West FL.

You really gotta feel sorry for the OP on this thread, between the bad advice, spamming, and totally off topic drivel from the brat pack, he got nothing but a headache.