There was a time when I regularly debated the facts supporting evolution and the theory of evolution with creationists. I eventually stopped when I realized that no matter how much evidence they hear, they will not change their minds, and that's ok with me. Believe whatever you want.

When someone asks me if I believe in evolution, I tell them "No, I don't believe in evolution at all, I'm convinced of evolution and the theory of evolution due to the vast amount of evidence that supports it. Science has nothing to do with "believing" this or that."

My belief in God is not based on science, and likely never will be. God is something you choose to believe in, or not. If you think you have scientific evidence for God, and that is something you base your faith upon, I have bad news for you.

I see here, years later, that the same straw man arguments and red herrings are put forth. Creationists tend not to argue against the actual evidence of evolution and the theory of evolution, but rather things they make up that neither actually state.

And not to change the subject, yet in a similar vein, I don't "believe" in anthropogenic global warming for the exact same reasons, and the evidence I've studied for that idea is not convincing. In fact, every single person I've talked to that believes in anthropogenic global warming, does so without any clear understanding of the evidence. They "believe", but they're not convinced by evidence. I've yet to talk with someone that can put forth the idea with evidence that also explains the facts that we know.