Originally Posted by JamesJr
I have struggled many years over the evolution versus creativity thing, even though I believe in God, and I believe the account in Genesis. I've thought times that there is sufficient evidence, and I use that term for lack of a better word, to consider that there may be more to the Biblical account of things than meets the eye. But...here is what I know and what I believe.......this world and everything in it is just too perfect to have just happened. The seasons, the sun, the moon, the stars, the plants, the animals.......everything, I just don't think it just happened to have evolved that way, I believe there is a superior being who made it all happen.
Study geology and you will discover that the placid state of things on our planet while we live here in our current time wasn't always the case. Such placid conditions come and go on the geologic time scale. Life has prospered for millions of years, then suddenly been almost completely wiped out. Research "The Great Dying," i.e., The Permian–Triassic Extinction, or "Snowball Earth," or the Cretaceous Extinction. There have been many such occurrences. We are living in a very nice respite from all that.