Originally Posted by GunGeek
For the rational free thinkers, this science was settled in the 1880's. Evangelical Christians won't accept ANYTHING anyone says on the issue in support of evolution...so what's the point of any so-called "discussion"?

Theologians (who are NOT experts on paleontology, anatomy, kinesiology, primatology, embryology, neurobiology, etc) snub anything and everything that doesn't conform to their pre-conceived ideals. These people are not interested in the truth at all. They are only interested in things that support their pre-determined ideology.

Discussing evolution with an evangelical is wasted time you will never get back!

I WAS an evangelical who spent a lot of time studying Christian Apologetics. My copies of Evidence That Demands a Verdict are autographed by Josh McDowell. And although I no longer agree with his conclusions, I still have a great deal of respect for the man himself.

You paint with a pretty wide brush. I am an Evangelical Christian but have no doubt evolution exists. You seem to me limiting my ability to think and have opinions just because of my faith. I find that insulting.

Many people like to put groups of people into small boxes that they cannot escape because of their beliefs. Than can be a mistake.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!