Originally Posted by kolofardos
Originally Posted by Ringman
"You need to read more on geochronology."

It seems the people I learned from are certainly educated enough to give me the good info. I met three Ph.D geologists who were trained in NON-Christian colleges. That should at least equal your education. All three accept the universe is less than 7,000 years old.

"Ringman, I'd like to ask if you have ever considered how many people you have turned away from Christianity from the ridiculous crap you post on here about Creationism? How dare you presume that you have all the answers about how God created? Do you not realize that the stuff you parrot from pseudo-scientists, with no real training, give the impression to many that all Christians are morons?"

Whlether I have “turned away” folks from Christianity by posting Truth is not my problem. God tells us in His Word He will send a deluding influence on those who wish to believe a lie. About presuming about God. You are sadly mistaken. If someone asked me, “Do you know the Lord?” I always tell them, “NO!” The idea that folks think Christians are morons is a problem for them. They are not on their way to Hell #2 or Hell #3. They are on their way to Hell and need to repent; whether they think I’m a moron or not.

"I don't forget that in the least. But, as is evident on this thread, creationists don't use evidence as it stands, but rather come up with straw man arguments and tear those down, stating, "see, evolution is not true", even though anyone that understands the theory of evolution would not have suggested the argument in the first place.

It's like me arguing that my bicycle doesn't do a particular thing (which may or may not be true) in order to try to prove that your car can't do the same thing. I know that sounds ridiculous, but is closely analogous to the arguments creationists present.

Oh, and to be more analogous, I would spend a great deal of time arguing that my bicycle actually -is- your car..."

But, as is evident on this thread, evolutionists don’t use evidence as it stands, but rather come up with strawman arguments and tear those down, stating, “see, creation is not true”, even though anyone that understands the theory of creation would not have suggested the argument in the first place.

It's like me arguing that my bicycle doesn't do a particular thing (which may or may not be true) in order to try to prove that your car can't do the same thing. I know that sounds ridiculous, but is closely analogous to the arguments evolutionists present.

Oh, and to be more analogous, I would spend a great deal of time arguing that my bicycle actually -is- your car... only because you are willfully ignorant.

Ringman, I apologize for the implication that you are moron for believing what you do. Name calling should not have been a part of this discussion. The fact is, YOU do not know the details of the mechanisms of God's creation any more than I do. I would respectfully suggest that it is vanity that makes you cling to the details of your beliefs, and your time would be better spent on highlighting Christ's teachings rather than arguing about the details of how creation came about.

However, Ringman does know the actual text of the Bible better than most, and his beliefs are very consistent with a literal reading of the text.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell