Originally Posted by Beaver10
. . . Getting off anything more than a snap shot before the burglar disappears behind a wall, or through a doorway, or down a hall juking and sliding trying to get out of the house was the norm from what I watched.

Made me think the average homeowner might do better with a gauge as their choice for home protection. . .

I don't think it is the pellets from a shotgun shell that makes the difference. It is "accuracy" which is drastically improved by the longer sight radius of the barrel of a shotgun or rifle that makes the difference. It is easier for a novice to control the accurate pointing of the muzzle of a long arm than a relative short handgun muzzle. In my experience, shotgun patterns, at relative close range, are small in diameter.

"All that the South has ever desired was that the Union, as established by our forefathers, should be preserved, and that the government, as originally organized, should be administered in purity and truth." – Robert E. Lee