Originally Posted by Beaver10
Getting off anything more than a snap shot before the burglar disappears behind a wall, or through a doorway, or down a hall juking and sliding trying to get out of the house was the norm from what I watched.

While those who have gone in harm’s way, busting in doors in the service to our country and/or our communities deserve our thanks and respect, that’s a whole ‘nother kettle of fish. It’s hard for me to imagine someone breaking into my house looking for a gunfight

Caveat. Some may consider scaring the bad guys away with missed shots is a win. YMMV.

In the last thirty years, two mom and pop convenience store owners in this city have been murdered some time after the fact by gang members in the same gang as the armed robber those storekeepers shot and killed in two unrelated incidents.

Thirty plus years back a noted pistol match competitor here had to pull up and move his gun shop after masterfully over coming an armed invasion by two shotgun-armed thugs, killing one, wounding another, and shooting up the getaway vehicle.

Twenty-five years back a guy down the street had to sell his house and move after shooting and killing a punk teenage burglar. I would have to do all of that AND quit my present job.

In my circumstance, scaring off a home invader would be the second best outcome of a bad situation. The best one would be they heard them dogs barking before they bust in, and decided against it.

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744