Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff

Was. By next year be more like 1/3 or 1/4 by this time next year. All of us in the mountain west are in the same danger as what's happening in OR. My heart goes out to them. Natural progression, the antifags are looking to sow as much chaos and carnage as possible, it'll only spread. Hope the folks affected can get themselves and their stock out and safely relocated.

Very true and very sobering to think about.

It’s hard to imagine how depraved a good percentage of the left really is, those on the left that aren’t as depraved lend their silence and their vote in quiet support of the depravity.

A recent example of depravity is that pretend Afro-wannabe and college professor, Jessica Krug. She was/is militant. But, her values, social and political views were welcomed and accepted in academia.

The collegial acceptance of anti white rhetoric in both small and large colleges needs to be re-evaluated and stopped. Tenure be damned.

Get radical left wing-nuts out of teaching.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”