Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Originally Posted by antlers
Originally Posted by Tyrone
Does Satan speak to people much in the same way as God? If so, how do we know the difference?
Using what as a standard?
Why do you think there has to be a “standard”...? If you lack wisdom and discernment regarding something and you seek it, you can simply ask God for it, and He’ll generously provide it. That’s a promise. Do you not have confidence in that...?
Considering that there are people in so-called Christian churches that believe abortion and divorce are OK, no, at least not enough that they can't easily brush it off. Those people have what we refer to as poorly-formed consciences. One of the hallmarks of poorly-formed consciences is that they rely on how things "feel" rather than God-revealed morality. You see this a lot with people that shack-up, apologize for homosexuality, divorce, abortion, etc. It's a hallmark of Leftism.

The way one properly forms their conscience is through scripture and apostolic tradition. When scripture and tradition are brought together in a community you get the additional benefit of social norms. The laws taught in these inform us in love & morality instead of being an end in and of themselves as the people in the Old Testament often thought.

Politics is War by Other Means