Originally Posted by TF49

Consider this: The text you are reading in the English language is a translation of Hebrew writings. The word that is translated "day".....the one your read in English... is a translation of the Hebrew word "yom[/b]."

The word "yom" does not necessarily mean a 24 hour solar day. The numbered days in Genesis need not be solar days..... Yes, I know you want it to be 24 hours days.... that is your anti-Jesus bias manifesting in "eisegesis".... ERROR!

"Exegesis" is letting the text give you the information as it is contained in the text...without laying your own bias on it.

The word "yom" can mean an "extended time".... it can mean an "age" .... it can simply be some duration of time.

Here is a brief summary lifted from a Hebrew language scholar:

Genesis 1:5 "... This was the close and the dawn of the first PERIOD."

Genesis 1:8 "...This was the close and the dawn of the second PERIOD."

Genesis 1:13 "This was the close of the close and the dawn of the third PERIOD."

Genesis 1:19 "This was the close and the dawn of the fourth PERIOD."

Genesis 1:23 "This was the close and the dawn of the fifth PERIOD."

Genesis 1:31 "...This the close came, and the dawn came of the sixth PERIOD."
And God said remember the Seventh "period" and keep it holy...........

So what should be the term of the Sabbath? One would assume it should be the same length as six other "periods".

People who choose to brew up their own storms bitch loudest about the rain.