Originally Posted by Hastings
Originally Posted by Willto
but it explains why Christians accept Scripture as more than simply the writings of men.

They are taking the word of men that it is the word of God. And there's the weak link in the chain. There are about 4000 recognized religions. Each one with many fervent believers totally convinced their particular brand is the one and only divine truth. Yet since there can only be one truth simple logic dictates that 3999 of them have to be dead wrong. Thus proving that fervent belief is proof of absolutely nothing. And if 3999 are wrong despite such strong belief then it's no great stretch that all 4000 are wrong. Especially since none of them possess any greater evidence than the others.
Maybe there is some truth in a lot of those religions. The human race and their religions may resemble that story about the group of blind men and the elephant where each one felt a different part of the animal and came up with a different description of the animal based on whether they felt the tail, a leg, the tusks, etc. They started accusing each other of lying and came to blows.

Sorry old friend. Many of the beliefs are "mutually exclusive", meaning different religions will hold different beliefs that cannot all be true at the same time.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell