
I'm afforded the luxury of arranging Meet & Greets...though my High Standards typically offend.

I remain a people person and am at ease in drawing a line..............


I've seen me nekked and that route ain't gonna do you any favors either. Hint.

Your "ability" to "comprehend"...is THE recipe for Oblivious Humor!

Congratulations?!? Laughing!!!

GOOD call to suck ass,instead of perpetuate the Myth of your EDGE Velocity Fantasies.

How many donuts can you eat in an hour?



I'm as at ease in sandbagging,as you Do Nothing Kchunts are in "flaunting" your Imagination and it's Pretend in FULL fervor.

You couldn't pack my empties.



I find it fascinatinger than fhuqk,that you query why you are THE Hack of notoriety?!? FUNNY schit!!

It will only "surprise" you,that the earned Title is arranged via your sheer and utter cluelessness,along with your "abilities" and the steady stream of sub par "work" you leak out of your "shop". I've often said: "I'd not let Jim Kobe rebarrel a milkshake with a fresh straw"...mainly because you are THAT big of a piece of phony fhuqking schit. Hint.

Here's another 1000 words.

[Linked Image]

GREAT time to set it all straight and quantify your "stance" with a pic of you and your "esteemed" "abilities" in "action".

You Day Dreaming Do Nothing Kchunts are a fhuqking hoot!

Bless your heart......................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."