Originally Posted by Judman
Ur right, I'm not a dick cause I can't stand dicks, perhaps that's why I'm here now?? Far as hunting skill I'm no better than anyone, just been a passion since I was a little kîd, mom and dad still laff about it, running traplines by myself at 9 yo, spending the night in the woods with my coon dogs hunting all night at 12, killin my first bear by myself at 12,etc. the secret is, there are no secret magical boolits or rifles, ya just gotta get out and do it. You Schitt yourself at the amount of critters I've seen ghosted by cor locks interloks and such, that's why it's called HUNTING, not shooting

Oh please Jud, dontcha know winchester primers are the worst hint and +p and some other stuff. Anyone that uses them must never leave the couch. Oh my that is some funny schit.

Gotta admire a fella that will proclaim that this schit ain't hard, yet obsesses over the kinda spark that sets the fire. Holy schit... Legendary phqucking stupidity.