
It's your Imagination,Pretend with it however you MUST.

I was really on the edge of my seat,as you unleashed The Forked-horn and Farmed Fish onslaught as Trump Cards,then outta nowhere went Adjustable Bases and Cough Silencer! I REALLY had to feign my "surprise".


PLEASE don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt...because you really are doing "great".

Just sayin'.


Wow +P+....................


The "back story" is,that Cab Lizards can only Cab Lizard and it comes as a "surprise",only to them.

Give a Cab Lizard some slack on the rope and they'll obliviously wax eloquent upon their every insecurity and reiterate the obvious,as to how/why their "satisfactions" are arranged in sucha low gear and at such amazingly low "standards". Mainly because it's the only move they got.

But on the bright side,their neighbor might have a boat and they can muse aloud,that they "know" a Cutter.

Imagination and Pretend happens to be priced,where they can afford it and Imitation remains THE most Sincere form of Flattery. There ain't no slighting the gals taste in men,nor their aspirations to rub elbows with a Legend.

Bless their hearts.



Do tell about the "satisfaction" of your amazingly "determined" mindset and the fruits of it's labor,as you settle crosshairs on a Forked-horn. Don't let that horn you up.

If Judmam could borrow a penny from someone,every time you mentioned Male Genitalia...she could afford that new bow. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart...you "hard charger" you.


Here,lemme fuel your Imagination even more,if only to bolster your Pretend.

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You'll wanna put this in "your" album too!

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Are you far enough along,that you are swiping video too,or is the "satisfaction" of stealing pics good enough for you? Clarify...if only because I've miles and miles of video too.

What do you "do" for a "living" again?!?

Just sayin'.



You Rugged Kchunt,that Photo Tutorial was rather brazen...as you documented your FULL Jenner Transition(FJT). How much did your tits cost?


I see that when you "set your mind" to something,there's no stopping you. Yet unfortunately,Fhuqking STUPIDITY ain't a setting,it's a plight. Congratulations?!?

Here's to your best and the oblivious hilarity that's the byproduct of your "hard charging". What do you "do" for a "living" again?

I know,I know...your neighbor has a boat and you "know" a Cutter.


Keep telling yourself aloud "I don't care...I could too...I don't care",as you meltdown further.

1000 words.

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Don't say "roll"...she'll eat the fhuqking thing and THAT,is entrapment.

Gotta be a rather fulfilling Thread for you,being privvy to "all" the "splendors" of 'squawker,Fredrica and Judmam. "Results" THAT dismal,have gotta brighten your day and letcha' think you're a "hard charger" too.



It's a fascinating Defense Mechanism...that The Do Nothing Gang's dismal "life" efforts,are construed through crossed-eyes,as a shot across someone else's bow. Perhaps they "think" that if they suck enough,it'll REALLY make a fhuqking "stand"? Laughing!

EPIC fhuqking humor!

Who knows...mebbe not everyone's neighbor has a boat!?!


(Addendum: for yet another perpetually Whining Kchunt)


Allow me to let you in on a little "secret". Scoot your fat ass closer to the screen...now take a deep breath through your always gaping suck hole and focus them crossed-eyes. Literally!

NOONE can "bully" you,better than YOU can...by simply doing your "best". Read that again and send someone a PM asking for assistance in that poignant profundity.

I get it,that due your "vocation" and Ninja abilities with a fork,that you are a Professional Victim. Simply set the fork aside you Fat Fhuqk,pry your kchunt from the couch and do a little sumptin'...if only for ONCE.

Or simply Whine some more and use your Imagination and it's Pretend,to conjure a fresh batch of Excuses.

The one thing that is for CERTAIN,in regards to you Clueless Do Nothing Kchunts,is that when it's all said and done...there will have been a LOT more said,than done.


Just sayin'!

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."