Oh my...Kchuntfest 2015 is ROCKIN'! Laughing!!!


You simply cain't refrain putting things in your mouth and ass,can you? Bless your heart,you "hard charger" you.

I've shot a 223AI.



PLEASE find me "mistaken",as I'll happily take the time to rub your nose even further in your INCREDIBLE Fhuqking Stupidity. You "hard charging" Cab Lizards are a fhuqking hoot!



Not everyone can rock shorts.

For some reason,I never fretted the ability.


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Pardon my horning The Do Nothing Gang up,all over again.



I REALLY enjoyed you musing your Imagination and it's Pretend aloud,as you stoke yourself up,to save enough pennies to buy a bow some day. That was awesome! Laughing!

I'll feign my "surprise",that you go wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy outta your way to refrain mention of what you "do" for a "living". Laughing!

Wind blew up here this AM and it's a Skinner morn'.

Great news...the POS PF Fhuqking 70 will arrange a 250 Skinner Smooch,with a shim slide.

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Though it assuredly is no 700 in confines. Hint.

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Funnier than fhuqk to slum a 3.5-10x M3 on the Turd.

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Nice parcel from which to watch BC do it's thang.

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KILLER Sleeper(literally).


Be certain to mention in between Whines,how all of that flew over your pointy head...though it will give you sumptin' to cypher,as you scour ditches for pop cans to fuel your Bow Account. Laughing!

You can't even fhuqking remember the last time you made a cast or pressed a trigger!

Hell...mebbe some day,you'll even be able to afford a camera.



Don't go swiping Imagination and Pretend from The CLUELESS Fhuqks...it's all they've got.

And THAT,would be mean!

Off to glass Booners...................

P.S. and by the way,for the few folks in the World who actually shoot.

4" of 17Whizzum chop from 24" to 20"...costs 14fps per inch,for a gross loss of 56fps.

GREAT trade.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."