Originally Posted by TheOldTree
So, you old f'ers ain't ever going to need anything PP provides. Your tax dollars are not going for abortions. Even if they did, PP is saving the taxpayers money. real money.
Conservatives used to mind their own gd business. Keep on trying to regulate what women can and can't do, and the Republicans will keep on losing.
An old tired argument from an old tree.

They get taxpayer support.

They perform abortions.

They donate to liberal candidates.

That's not an over simplification, chief.

If they did not get taxpayer money, would they still do the same number of abortions, AND offer the same level of other services?

If they did not get taxpayer money, would they still contribute the same amount to liberal candidates?

And are you minding your own GD business right now, mighty old oak tree? Giving me grief as I express concern over this?

I think not.

by the way, sage one. We contribute funds to a private women's clinic- one that does not provide abortions. It's a Christian mission clinic, so yes, I am a mean old conservative zealot.

Just know that before your argument wants to go in that direction.