Originally Posted by 4ager

You're a wonderfully easy, and remarkably stupid, foil. Your hypocrisy only adds to the illustrated points made (at your expense). Please, continue.

Yes you keep repeating that fantasy.
You still think I care what you say about me
You're still mistaken [/quote]

Actually, that's the first time I've said anything like that. Please quote EXACTLY where I've stated that before (you can't, because you're lying).

I don't give a flying f'k what you think. I do, however, enjoy making you look like the fool you are and proving the opposite of the horsechit you post by using you as a foil.[/quote]
You only pretend you're "using me" when I told you long ago I don't care what you say.

You DO care what I think because you keep arguing your points endlessly, trying to convince me you're correct, when I just keep telling you I don't care

One shot, one kill........ It saves a lot of ammo!