Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by Snyper
It's still none of your business, and in fact the Constitution guarantees a right to privacy, but not any "rights to a fetus", although some object to using the proper medical terminology
You can vote for anyone you want, but you cant tell others what to do.

You're just refusing to admit that we (society as a whole) tell people what to do all the time. I.e., the war on drugs. We tell people what they can't do in their own homes. How do we do that you ask? We passed legislation prohibiting anyone besides medical professionals from having in their possession a list of chemicals. That's how I make it MY business. Like it or not that's the truth. The USSC can reverse itself and has done so in the past. I make it my business by writing my Senators and Congressmen, and by voting for pro-life Presidential candidates. I make it my business by speaking up whenever the subject comes up no matter the forum. You can't tell me it's not my business and to leave the subject alone, and if you did I'd tell you to go pound sand.

Go pound sand.

You are absolutely correct that you can make abortion your business. You can say anything you like to your congressmen, you can post anything you like on any forum, you can vote for anybody you choose. What you cannot do is tell a woman what to do with regards to her body until and unless the law of the land changes. In the interim you may pound sand, however, and with great energy matched only by the futility of your efforts.

Kenny, I think you should buy the young lady the same gun in a 257 Roberts. Nice caliber, same family, low recoil and excellent on deer sized game.

Last edited by Paddler; 02/02/16.

The true hunter counts his achievement in proportion to the effort involved and the fairness of the sport. Saxton Pope