Originally Posted by Snyper
Originally Posted by 4ager

You're a wonderfully easy, and remarkably stupid, foil. Your hypocrisy only adds to the illustrated points made (at your expense). Please, continue.

Yes you keep repeating that fantasy.
You still think I care what you say about me
You're still mistaken

Actually, that's the first time I've said anything like that. Please quote EXACTLY where I've stated that before (you can't, because you're lying).

I don't give a flying f'k what you think. I do, however, enjoy making you look like the fool you are and proving the opposite of the horsechit you post by using you as a foil.[/quote]
You only pretend you're "using me" when I told you long ago I don't care what you say.

You DO care what I think because you keep arguing your points endlessly, trying to convince me you're correct, when I just keep telling you I don't care


I'm not trying to convince you that you are correct. I'm illustrating to others that read and can actually think that you are incorrect. There's a rather significant difference. The former, which is not the case, has me caring what you think. The latter, which is the case, makes what you think irrelevant. You're simply being used.

You have two choices: you can continue and thereby continue being used, or you can take your own advice to stop repeating yourself and mind your own business.

I couldn't care less which option you choose, nor could I care less about what you think. You're simply a useful idiot who isn't smart enough to realize it, and too hypocritical to take your own advice.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.