Originally Posted by dassa
Snyder, paddler, et al,

Let me see if I have your position correct with a couple of hypotheticals:

1- My girlfriend and I decide to have a baby. Three months in to the pregnancy, she changes her mind. She kills my child, and I have no input.

2- My girlfriend and I decide we don't want to have a baby, and agree to use the pill for contraception. Without my knowledge she quits taking the pill because she now wants a baby. Ninth months later, a judge tells me I have to pay child support for 18 years.

Is it your position that in either scenario it's none of my business?

It's not "my position".

It's how the laws of "society" work, which is what some keep saying is all that matters.

The right to decide on a legal abortion resides with the female under current laws. Neither the father nor the fetus have any enforceable rights at that point

One shot, one kill........ It saves a lot of ammo!