Originally Posted by TheOldTree
It's her body, her choice, it seems to work out fine. Every woman I know is pro choice. Just the way it is. If any of you could conceive of a reversal of roles here where the govt. was telling you, you need to have this child..the tune would be different.

Sure, it's her choice to screw. It's her choice to use any one of a myriad of contraceptives. The female can choose to act responsibly in any of those areas, and that is certainly her choice at that point. An irresponsible action, or in fact a series of irresponsible actions and failures to act, does not justify murder.

The baby, a distinct and individual human PERSON (key word there), is not a choice; it is a person that is being killed for mere convenience.

Every woman you know is pro-choice. Well, whoop-te-doo. Every convict in prison is innocent, too, if you ask them. Every drunk isn't really an alcoholic. Just because the majority of one segment of the population thinks something is "right" or ought to be a certain way (illegal Mexicans all think they have a right to be here, for example; the majority of Muslims believe the US should be under Sharia Law), does not make it ethical, moral, philosophical, and certainly should not make it legal (there's that damned, pesky Constitution again).

You've failed, miserably, to support your position at every turn and you continue to flail around trying to justify the indefensible with soundbite rationale (at best). It was probably a good call on your part to avoid the legal discussion; you hadn't a chance there. Of course, you haven't a chance in any other realm of this discussion, either.

Originally Posted by Mannlicher
America needs to understand that our troops are not 'disposable'. Each represents a family; Fathers, Mothers, Sons, Daughters, Cousins, Uncles, Aunts... Our Citizens are our most valuable treasure; we waste far too many.