Originally Posted by 4ager
Originally Posted by NeBassman
The best we can do to keep women from making that choice is to find better ways at preventing unwanted pregnancies, and to be financially supportive of those who choose to bring life into this world.

As for the financial support; um, no. That LEADS to unwanted/unnecessary pregnancies. We have an entire subset of society that are nothing but breeders. That's their job, and the .gov pays them to breed in a perpetual underclass that are nothing more than leeches off of the productive in society. Various economic studies out of Detroit and other places have proven this.

As for better ways of contraception, what the Hell else is needed other than the choice to actually use them? We have: the pill, the morning-after pill, condoms, female condoms, diaphragms, multiple IUDs, and under-skin implants, and likely more that don't spring immediately to mind. For a person to actually get pregnant these days takes a CONSCIOUS decision to NOT use any of the myriad forms of birth control on the market. It's well past time that the "choice" being discussed move on from infanticide to the actual CHOICE being made to avoid any of the various forms of birth control - almost ALL of which are either free or exceedingly cheap to procure and use.

Struggling Colorado birth control program worked even better than thought, says health department

A program offering birth control to low-income teens and young women worked even better than previously thought, Colorado's health department announced Wednesday.

The initiative, which provided long-acting reversible contraceptives at little or no cost, dropped the state's teen birth and abortion rates by 48 percent from 2009 to 2014, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment found.

The initiative also has been credited with controlling costs associated with child birth - saving Medicaid an estimated $79 million from 2010 through 2012, the health department said.

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