Originally Posted by Snyper
Originally Posted by RWE
Originally Posted by NeBassman
Here is the current Federal Law on books also know as Laci and Conner's Law. It really does not settle the question of "when does life begin?"

Unborn Victims of Violence Act

The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".[1]

The legislation was both hailed and vilified by various legal observers who interpreted the measure as a step toward granting legal personhood to human fetuses, even though the bill explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, stating that the bill would not "be construed to permit the prosecution" "of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person authorized by law to act on her behalf", "of any person for any medical treatment of the pregnant woman or her unborn child" or "of any woman with respect to her unborn child."

That whole act is vaguely insulting.

basically, its a person only if the womb holder intends on birthing them.

Gray area would be if she is killed on her way to the abortion clinic...

There is no gray area there.
Anything that isn't a legal abortion is illegal.

No gray area?

OK, SFB, let me try this:

the bill brief:

the bill explicitly contained a provision excepting abortion, stating that the bill would not "be construed to permit the prosecution" "of any person for conduct relating to an abortion.....

So lets just assume someone we will call "Snypette" is pregnant because she was stupid and got [bleep] by paddler, who did not love her. Paddler bolts.

Snypette goes in for tests, has a consult and schedules an abortion for tomorrow at 9:00am.

The next morning Ralph Waldo Emerson is driving his chariot down main street, and runs over Snypette who is on her way to the clinic, precipitating a miscarriage of little paddler jr.

Is R.W.E. technically guilty of murder in the 'death' of Paddler jr considering getting to the death camp is the next step in "conduct relating to an abortion" for Snypette?