Originally Posted by Magnumdood

Do you vote? Or do you trust your fellow abortionists to keep the necessary Presidents and Senators in office to insure that no USSC justices that are pro-life are appointed to the court?

Just for the record, I take the only logical position on this for a pro-lifer - how would we (society) enforce an abortion ban? Are we going to tie these women to a bed until the child is born? No, we can't. In the final analysis, the choice has to rest with the mother-to-be. She can explain her decision(s) to God when she passes.

I'm not an "abortionist"

I don't worry about "explaining to God" any more than most here would worry about making Allah happy. If I did, that's not anyone's business either

I just believe in people minding their own business.
And yes, I vote

One shot, one kill........ It saves a lot of ammo!