Ken: Once we were a fair piece past Silver City on 180, it began to get scenic. While I was at Armijo Spgs. John took me and my daughter Julia for a ride in his Honda ATV and we spotted several nice Mule deer bucks. I would have been proud to shoot one of them. I didn’t have any glass, but I bet he had a 22+” spread and was probably a 10-12 pointer. Didn’t see any Elk. I have seen a bunch pronghorn on the way to Carlsbad, but that’s the other direction.

Judman: There’s a lot of towns in NM like that – in TX as well. EP is only slightly better IMO. Coming back to the oppressive heat in El Paso after the nice cool weather in Armijo Spgs., was depressing. I’ve come to loathe it and I cannot wait to finish my degree and GTF out of here.

I haven’t purchased a .35W yet, but I have my eye on a good one – built on a 1909 Argentine.

Jeff: The officer called for backup before he even approached my vehicle. 5 cruisers surrounded me before I said a word to him.

Like I said, I know there are good cops out there, but I don’t trust them. Regarding traffic stops, their sole purpose is to get the citizen talking so as to generate probable cause so that an arrest can be made thereby generating revenue for the county and justification for their existence. Traveling 10 MPH over the speed limit is not justification for the treatment afforded to the average citizen. The average officer’s mindset is that everyone is guilty and no one can tell me differently – I can see it in their eyes, I can hear it in the tone of their voice, I can tell by their body language – they are ready to pull their pistol and shoot to kill. Now I will say that the officer involved with the second citation I received was a good guy. He asked one probing question, which I answered with my customary “that’s my business” response, which he apparently appreciated and understood. From that point forward, he was very respectful, as was I, but he did not lie and threaten as the other officer did.

Part of the problem is that not enough Americans are even aware of their rights. I simply will not play their game and I will exercise my rights as an American citizen. You said that you have no problem with answering their probing questions, and while I respect your opinion, I will not waive my rights to help them justify an arrest.

I refuse to self identify at these asinine Border Patrol Checkpoints 70 or 80 miles inland. When they ask if I’m an American citizen they get my customary reply, and I’ve not had any issues with this up to this point in time and I’ve traveled through a great many of these checkpoints since I’ve been in EP.

Americans in general are far too willing to trade their rights for the progressive promise of “security.” What many don’t understand is that these rights were paid for in blood, by great Americans who sacrificed everything so we could enjoy liberty. They don't understand that trading freedom and liberty for security results in neither, which is what we’re beginning to see today in this country.

Last edited by High_Noon; 07/18/16.

l told my pap and mam I was going to be a mountain man; acted like they was gut-shot. Make your life go here. Here's where the peoples is. Mother Gue, I says, the Rocky Mountains is the marrow of the world, and by God, I was right.
- Del Gue