The question that always gets me is that while you can use arguments like the Thomistic proof to argue the existence of a God using reason, how can you know that your religion is the right one? Other than blind faith. Undoubtably, every real believe holds that his own religion is the True one.

I understand the appeal of certain religions. Those who argue that only faith is required have the best deal. Do nothing but believe, and you are assured a place in heaven. Why would this not be attractive? It essentially costs nothing. It requires no effort.

But if you are weighed and measured by you acts, then you actually have to do something to earn your place. That's a much harder proposition. If you are actually expected to say, live as Christ lived, and live according to his teachings, that would be a very hard life. It would certainly mean doing without all the worldly possessions we do so love.

The whole thing is very debatable, but because all religion is ultimately about faith, not reason, it cannot be argues reasonably. And even any atheist worth his salt knows that you cannot disprove the existence of a supreme being or beings. Most of the atheists I know don't even bother to argue the point, as it is unprovable.

As for Barak's point, are we slave to the church? Yes and no. Religion has accepted, fostered and even promoted slavery. And anyone who been proselytized to against their will has at the very least felt like a hostage. It wouldn't be so bad if people would keep their religion to themselves and not try to force it on others.

Be the person your dog thinks you are.