How does Christianity = free choice, when people are told that if they don't believe (or in my case, CAN'T believe) that there is a lake of fire, and a place of wailing and gnashing of teeth and eternal never-ending torment for people who don't or can't believe.

It's why Christians tortured the unbelievers during the Inquisition, and during the subjugation of native people by the Conquistadors. The Christians rationalized what they did, by admitting they were ruining what was left of the non-believer's "earthly" lives - but in exchange, those people were for a great deal - "for all eternity".

In a court of law - they'd call such a deal "extortion".

But hey, after all, you have - "free will" - and remember - God LOVES you!


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."