Originally Posted by goodnews

A couple of questions:

Why if you are not a Christian now do you assume you ever were?

By what standard are all Christians afraid of death?

What is this "other realm" after death you believe in and what is your authority for it? This "other realm"-is it for eternity? What goes? Your soul or....do you have a soul? If for eternity do you think it's "no big deal?"

And, why do you raise the question-thread-at all? For an accountant who lives in the world of irrepresable mathematical figures, you are "hopin' and pokin'" my friend.


I thought I was a Christian because I was brought up in a Roman Catholic home with all that entails. In my teens I begin to realize something was wrong and hence begun my spiritual path quest. I was never a Christian.

I think Barak explained you second question better than I could.

As to third question, no authority. My intuition tells me I just know. Thomas Paine talked about intuition some in his book the "Age of Reason". He said it was the best way to know. I agree.

Geesh, you mean a tax accountant can't be a philosopher? A lot more thinking goes into tax law than meets the eye. Ask Bob or Steve or any of the other lawyers on here. They are philosophers by default if for no other reason.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude