Originally Posted by NurseKat
I gotta tell ya...my life is so crazy that I cant even imagine trying to tell another what to/not to believe in. Good thing Jesus keeps fools and babies near the cross or i would be in a world of trouble. I was raised in STRICT denominational religion. I was crushed when I was banned for getting a divorce from an adulterous (and that's being kind) man. I hated God for a long time. But over the years, I have mellowed back into what I TRULY believe in. Noone can change that.

Now...subject of the thread:
i have seen more people die than you can shake a stick at. (Thats southern for a hellofalot). It seems to me that people fear the unknown. I know I do. After being diagnosed with lupus, I began pondering my own feelings about death. As my health declines, I think more and more about it. Im losing a kidney from the disease soon and have began getting my affairs in order should the unthinkable happen. Im scared, I gotta tell ya. Im scared for my kids....not so much for me. Death wold be a relief some days. But until that old grey horse comes riding...I will keep puttin my lipstick on everyday like nothing is going on.

WOW Kat, sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you one way or the other. I'd pray but I don't pray although some tell me it's okay for a Deist to pray for others.

Don't vote knothead, it only encourages them. Anonymous

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups." Anonymous

"Self-reliance, free thinking, and wealth is anathema to both the power of the State and the Church." Derby Dude