Originally Posted by tbear
I'm a electrical engineer & have had a life long interest in physics. The more I am involved with science the more I believe in a Creator. My Creator does not have a share, form, or gender. My Creator will be believed in 500 years or more from now. This Creator allowed man & various religions to exist & make their own decisions & mistakes. All major religions have a common theme that involves some thing similar to the Ten Commandments. Christ, Buddha, Mohammad, etc. were all faithful disciples of the Creator. Life after death, if it exists, is the dreams each of us have. Those that have committed crimes or other sins will know the mistakes they made & have to relive those mistakes constantly. There will be no day or night or seasons. It will be similar to falling into a Black Hole that will destroy you but takes all eternity to occur.

While one may clump Christ, Buddha, and Mohammed (and by implication all other religious or cult leaders) into a general amalgum of good-feeling universalism-we'll all get there, just by different paths-Christ explicitly and clearly nixed any possibility of that happening.

"I am the way, the truth, the light," and "no one comes to the Father but by me," are just a few of His teachings underscoring that reality.

As " physicist", and an engineer, who deals with the intransigent physical laws, how do you come to your rather ambiguous view of eternity?

It's interesting to note that among all the science disciplines, astro-physicists as a group, have shown a remarkable propensity to move from atheism, to deism, and then some on to Christianity. This has occured especially since the 80's and the inception of plasma physics and the general acceptance of The Big Bang theory of universal beginnings. Where, once it was dogma to believe that all there is was always here; it is now known and generally accepted that that is not true.