For me - I'd need to see something "Godly", you know, things like he was supposedly showing people 2000 years ago.

A bush popping into fire, rotting dead men coming back to life, a man turning to salt, a world where nothing died, a sea parting, an angel - that kind of thing.

Something "impossible".

Like an amputee growing new legs after being prayed on or after having hands layed on.

Or an airplane set gently down on a runway after it's wings fell off.

Or a world with no war, death and disease.

You know - something BIG.

Until then I remain a skeptic's skeptic - on all manner of things. I'm a "show me the money" kind of guy. A "prove it" person.

Like I said before, so far, there is as much proof there is a tooth fairy as there is proof there is a God.

One man's religion - is another man's myth.


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."