Originally Posted by Tod
how can you know that your religion is the right one? Other than blind faith.

My faith hasn't been blind for years and years. I was 12 years old when I had what so far I've been calling my "first bidirectional prayer experience," simply because I haven't had a better name for it--although I've been a Christian since age 3.

I understand the appeal of certain religions. Those who argue that only faith is required have the best deal. Do nothing but believe, and you are assured a place in heaven.

I'm sure Heaven will be nice, but that's not the appeal for me. The appeal for me is a daily personal relationship with the Creator of the universe. Heaven will take care of itself when the time comes.

Why would this not be attractive? It essentially costs nothing. It requires no effort.

You'd be surprised.

You'd be freakin' amazed, as a matter of fact.

And anyone who been proselytized to against their will has at the very least felt like a hostage.

Please, don't be silly. Being proselytized to against your will can't be any worse than feeling compelled to listen to Aunt Susie talk about her colon operation. I know: I've been proselytized to against my will. Don't use the language of coercion when it's not justified.

It wouldn't be so bad if people would keep their religion to themselves and not try to force it on others.

Methinks you really have no idea what it is to have somebody else's religion forced on you. Perhaps you should talk to a Jew about the Spanish Inquisition.

"But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain--that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist." --Lysander Spooner, 1867