Well....speaking of floods....wasn't it your God who only spared Noah and his family and some animals and then took the lives of every living creature on the planet? Kind of qualifies for mass murderer status, doesn't it? Oh yeah, He did it because man was evil...I forgot the defense strategy for a moment.

This was not too long after Cain mudered his brother over some kind of jealousy thing, right? Heck, we had murder in the Bible when there were only about 5 people existing on the planet!!

The list of other accounts of murder and atrocities could cover 2 pages of bandwidth alone. Your God was kinda into taking out alot of innocent, first born, children as well, wasn't he?? If I were to believe in the infallibilty and inerrant line of reasoning, then I'd have evidence of a full blown confession,wouldn't I?

Last edited by isaac; 07/14/08.

The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.
William Arthur Ward