Originally Posted by isaac
A mere "deep down feeling" or a gut-feeling". The doctor in you really thought I was speaking of body organs!!! grin

Hawkeye, I just can't wait till you're an official "counselor"

At least I didn't say you reminded me of Deniro's role!!!

Oh no Bob,what happened to me was not an emotional event. Albumin,is a protein in blood which is not supposed to leak into your urine. It only does so in large quantity when your kidneys are in some kind of serious trouble. My urine was full of the stuff for days and I was headed for dialysis,it was real.

I was healed at the moment of the prayers of the pastor and his elders. I felt it,but the diagnostic tests confirmed it. They kept me around a day or two in the hospital and finally let me go home because I wasn't sick anymore. In Systemic Patholgy,I learned that spontaneous remmissions like mine do occur in lab animals and humans. They are rare unexplained events. The skeptic is free to place my recovery in that category should he desire,but Bob,I was there. I know how those men prayed and how I was healed.

I would be glad for you to come to Alabama,we'll make it a deposition and you can ask me about it under oath. You are free to confirm the results with a polygraph if you like. Be a good way to meet you and take you hunting,I like you already.

Either way,I am telling the truth but I bet you know that much about me already. You are after all,a very good lawyer.
