Originally Posted by jimy
Originally Posted by renegade50
[Linked Image]
The paleo haw river on the upper left is gonna be a center peice for another shadow box eventually.
Some stuff from last spring
Fish tail Dalton on lower left was
a heartbreaker when I picked it up.
Small missisippian point is about 7/8ths of an inch long.
Yet to figure out what the small triangle thing that is to the right of the fish tail dalton
It is a whole peice, really finely knapped all around on both sides.

It's a sharks tooth, petrified sharks teeth can be found by the hundreds in Florida by walking the beach, I have jars full of them.

It does look like a megladon tooth
HOWEVER: i can assure you it's made from a nodule of gray chert born from the Ste. Genevieve Limestone formation.