Originally Posted by 673
Sure seems to be a goldmine of artifacts from the south country, we sure dont get those kinds of finds up here where I live, I wonder if the soil down there makes it more suitable for finding these gems.

I assign our luck to the Karst topography here. Plenty of springs, caves, cliff overhangs, lots of surface water features, old sinkholes that may have been mud wallows and watering holes. Fair, warm climate during archaic period.

Knowing how to read landscapes and try to hypothesize the geomorphology of the land 10,000 yrs ago helps. It takes A LOT of scouting and exploratory walking to prove new sites. Sometimes a site may only be a 1/2 acre. You can miss it by a 100 yards and say to yourself "there ain't shytt here" and go on down the road with a frownie face.