Originally Posted by slumlord

Keep our spot active, lay plenty of discouraging footprints down

Total Psy-Ops πŸ˜ƒ

The resident pit bull will do the rest βœ”οΈ

You know Willy G would be scared nutless of that dog πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ€£

Lucy zooming by him barking.
He would be terrified.

I aint seen anyone on any of the fields yet this year.
Might hit beaver lake hill again tommorow afternoon.
Aint even hit behind the barn or the rental house.
Did go to the deer stand one, the pond flat and that small ridge i showed you by the corner.
Hit the flat across the new house.

Places need to get plowed again then planted.

Most of my finds have been on pitbull and beaver lake hills.