Dont be frustrated with flakes.

We spent time of our time today doing some spot checks on new areas. We sometimes hypothesize about certain geographical features and will go do a some field truthing. Usually just a wandering bird walk to look for frquency of debitage.

If we find flakes, we make a mental bookmark and come back at a later date. I told renegade when we burn out the main spots, we will fall back on these areas to grid them better. Mind you, we're finding flint flakes in 'pure dirt' there is no other competing media to visually distract. So if within acres and acres of brown soil and scattered flint flakes, it's a given that there's artifacts present.

We've done random walks thru virgin ground and come up with some fantastic pieces. Mainly because all of our competition only hunts the most likely know spots. I.E. = near the bend in the creek; on the bluff...yadda yadda yadda

We have some lazy other artifact hunters that we know and all they do hit the main spots, find a few brokes and complain. lol