Originally Posted by curdog4570
Originally Posted by krp
I had many visits with Ken... first at the hospital here where he was airlifted, then at the nursing home, then a few times a year at his house where I'd drive 4 hours and arrive in the afternoon, visit till late at night, crash in a back room, visit a bit in the morning and head out early.

Socially we had a lot in common, Welch/Cherokee, grew up in what I call 'dirt', no city streets to play in... dirt, fields, groves.

A chitload we didn't share... I'm much more a hunter, I've shot 10s of thousands of rounds, reload and such, but to hunt. I don't shoot for fun or competition, not even at the gatherings I help put on. And any technical interests I have is archery. I've never read an article, or book or anything gun related by Ken or any other 'gun writer' ever.

I didn't know Ken from Adam when I first met him and he laughed when I told him that as he was introduced as a famous gun writer. I just knew there was an old man that was in a bad place, alone and far from home with no friendly face or someone to advocate for him against the uncaring nursing home world.

When finally leaving the nursing home Ken insisted I take one of his few remaining Blue books which he signed. I did because it made him happy. One of our former members here came to visit Ken at the nursing home before she went into the marines, I had dinner with her later and she is an upstanding person. When she graduated the marines I gave her Ken's book as a gift, she would appreciate it as she had mentioned wanting one. So the circle of life goes.

Ken was frustrated with me about my belief in Christ's life example plus the Holy Spirit as my link to God... and my disbelief of man's religion and Paul's speaking for Christ. I know at times he was really frustrated but never did he get disrespectful even in debate. I think he was honestly confused that others would be offended when he put forth his understanding of the bible and religion. As with me he would listen then disagree on a point, I would listen and disagree on a point, he would counter as would I. In the end we would understand each other better, still not agree totally but have a better respect for the other's view and smile it away.

Ken said that's how debate should be and why do folks get upset with me for stating my truth and debating.

Because lots of folks get offended at the first negative word and can't rationalize the discussion.

Early on I was listening to Ken, now he was late 70s early 80s, had a stroke years earlier, couldn't swallow so could only talk a sentence or so before spitting and clearing his throat, everyone who has visited with him knows this immediately... Now I'm a good listener but one time he stopped at a point I thought he wanted a response so I started to talk. He held up his hand and wheezed 'let me finish' frustrated like.

Now if I was a self-absorbed kind of person that as soon as someone starts a story, I think of a similar one of my own and break in before the first person is finished... I'd be offended if I was told to hold on and let me finish. I know a bunch of people like that and they irk the chit out of me.

Sitting there I could see Ken's frustration wasn't at me for interrupting, it was at himself and his condition where he couldn't communicate the way he wanted to. As soon as he finished his point he would wait for my response, listen and re'respond or not.

He told me once he wished it was like the indian tribe method of the talking stick... the one holding the stick talked then passed it on when done so the next person could talk.

His frustration of communication was evident, he was truly sad folks were so offended by it, he considered it his fault.

Anyone offended over the mannerisms and speech limitations of and 80 year old stroke ridden man who just wants to still have human contact. be relevent and intelligent interaction until they die is self absorbed.

Complaining about it on the internet is childish.


That’s much too good a post for this crappy thread, Amigo.

That might be the best Campfire post EVER......

"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744