Originally Posted by renegade50
Originally Posted by KSMITH
Renetard...It is spelled GUESS. Either go back to grade school or stay off the keyboard you inbred retard. Apparently all that supposed skull cracking you bragged about was your own.

Holy fugg you found that I made a spelling error in a previous post!!!!!!

Previous posts. Like 4 in a row. I surmise you do a lot of guessing in your life. No sense in not at least learning how the spell the word if you are going to delve into the act and then use it so profusely. Christ, it is only a five letter word with no trickery involved. But then again, your social skills are at the high school level at best. If you aren't attempting to attack somebody and cuss, you don't really have much to say, do you?

The problem with you and the rest of your so offended band of merry men is that you come onto the internet to beat your chest and let every one know how mean you are. Bad part for you guys is Scott is just plain better at it than the merry men. You guys can't quit talking about yourselves so he has plenty of material to work with. You guys might find if you quit chasing him around nipping at his ankles every time he posts, he just might find your merry men too insignificant to bother with. And then just think, this site could be used for what it was intended and there wouldn't be thread after thread of a bunch of whining gashes complaining about the mean old Steely who doesn't follow YOUR rules of the internet when you aggravate the man with your ankle biting. Take this as gospel, you guys ain't gonna win, he isn't going to go away, he is simply a master of his game and you retards don't like it.

-Piss into the wind.