Originally Posted by milespatton
Black is a color, Negro is a race. You may not like it, and it may not currently be PC, but those are the facts. In fact, in a lot of languages black and Negro is the same word. miles

Processing into boot camp at MCRD San Diego in 1960, I was pulled out of ranks and handed a pen and clipboard. Each recruit handed me a form as they came by and I checked one of three boxes on the form: Caucasian, Mongoloid, or Negro.

Those were the only choices. Every one was one of the three.

No”Hispanic,”Oriental or Asian”, nor “Black”, African”etal.

Hispanics are Caucasian, as are American Indians.

Asians are Mongoloid.

Blacks are Negroes.

Things were a lot simpler then and I don’t recall anyone being offended because of the group they were put into.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place