
I appreciate the time you took to write your posts. Only wish you could have been able to tone down your name calling towards me. Last time I am going to say this, I have not defended anyone on this site ever. As stated previously, I don't know anyone here to defend them. Over the years there has been a few on here whose posts weren't worth the electrons it took to make them, I just ignored them. Just like when certain people have to follow you around and schitt on every post I make. I ignore them. Maybe it makes me feel like if I respond, it somehow empowers or rewards their behavior. A troll can only troll if he elicits a response. Without responses, what is he? I said the same thing about Maser and Larry years ago but everyone had to respond to their posts and let them know how inferior they were which just strengthened and prolonged their existence on this website.

All I am saying is that he plays a few on here like a used violin and like moths to a flame, they can't help but get their wings burnt off. Then the whole campfire suffers for their inability to stay away from the bright light. You seriously think that guy needs or wants advice on a beater shotgun? lol C'mon people....that was bait.

-Piss into the wind.