The earth could be relatively young. There might have been a supercontinent (one land mass) broken up by a world-wide flood followed by an ice age that that resulted in dinosaurs and other mammals becoming extinct. This flood might have resulted in many extinct animals being found as if they had been buried fast and violently. Exihibit A: wooly mammoths intact with food still in there mouths and still intact DNA.

About those frozen mammoths...They've found some so intact that the meat was still edible. They've eaten it, in very small morsels, of course. They've also found blooming,undigested flowering plants in their stomachs. You guys are all hunters. You all know about freezer burn. It's preventable by completely eliminating air from the meat. An excellent method is to immerse it in water and freeze it. It will last many years that way if kept frozen. The mammoth meat was immersed in water which froze, preserving them nicely. However, that leaves the problem of the flowers they were eating. The climate was warm enough for flowers to bloom so how did they get encased in ice? Plus, they had to have been immersed and frozen before the meat spoiled. From warm to sub-zero in maybe 2 or 3 days?

Something catastrophic had to have happened all across the northern high latitudes to dramatically drop the temperatures and cover the animals with water at the same time, all in a few days time before the meat spoiled. The Bible describes the pre-flood earth as having been surrounded by a moisture cover. It says that up to the time of the flood, it had never rained. A sudden breakdown of that layer of moisture, dumping all that water to the ground, would cause rapid evaporation which would cool it fast, possibly enough to change a warm greenhouse climate to the arctic climate we have today.

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.