Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by George_De_Vries_3rd

AS, whatever are you talking about? Of course A and E when told not to eat of the forbidden fruit had full knowledge (perhaps much fuller than we can realize) of a moral choice and thus were fully responsible.

Are you next referring to what we inherit as our fallen nature’s from A and E? Yes, personal total depravity. We are sinful beings too due to the Fall and are not innocent nor unjustly charged.

First I don't accept any of your assertions that someone who didn't have knowledge of good and evil is fully morally formed. In our society Eve would have gone to Juvy, and had her record expunged at age 21.

Also by extension to your logic, if you break the law the state is justified in executing your kids?

And there's also the problem of no credible evidence Eden was real, or the Universe is only 6k years old.

Being of the Baptist persuasion myself, I can fully agree with Antelope Sniper’s post without risk to my immortal soul.

IF there be a hell, I earned a front row seat by my own endeavors with no assist needed from Adam.

I’m most grateful that the Universe operates by perfect justice being tempered by perfect mercy.

For all I KNOW, that mercy may even be granted to those who don’t ask for it.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place