Originally Posted by dan_oz
Originally Posted by K22
Originally Posted by dan_oz
What of the plants? How did they survive months of inundation? And if they all died, but regenerated from seeds after the water receded, how did Noah's boatload of animals get by in the time it would take for that to happen? What, for example, of those animals which depend on tree fruits and tree nuts, products of trees at least several years old?

How did bees survive, in the absence of flowering plants?

And how does this story account for those living plants which have been alive since before the date ascribed to this Great Flood? Or those clonal colonies which have been alive since before the Flood without setting seeds?

Reasonable questions I would think.

Thanks. There are more too. Where, for example, did all the extra water come from? Enough to cover the world including the mountains. And where did it go to afterwards?

And this water, was it fresh or salty?

And how did water-living plants and animals survive, given that many are very sensitive to changes in salinity, temperature and light levels? How did the marine food web survive, when sudden change of depth and salinity and turbidity would have wiped out the seagrasses, algae and other life forms down at the bottom?

How do you account for coral reefs, some many thousands of years old, which can only survive across quite a narrow set of criteria, specifically including depth, clarity and temperature?

And the olive leaf the bird brought back. How could that have been found? Olive trees submerged for a year won't survive - even growing them in poorly-drained soil will soon kill them.

What would you feed your obligate carnivore animals on for a year on the Ark?

The water was already here. The earth is sort of a closed system. Where did the water go? If the land is smoothed out the water would be about two miles deep all over the world. A better question is, where did all the dry land come from?

Ninety percent of fossils are marine fossils. We have no idea what the pre-flood ocean was; whether salty or totally fresh. The world has places like Bonneville Salt Flats where the salt is hundreds if not thousands of feet deep. These places are call juvenile salt flows, or something like that. Even if the original ocean was fresh it would have become salty during the Flood when the bosoms of the deep opened up. Water, lava, salt and no telling what all else came forward.

The other questions you are considering are not accepting the idea we have no idea about plants and animals 4,500 years ago. Lots of scientific information has be overturned in the last half century.

The Bible tells us everything alive was vegetarian prior to the Flood. After it Noah was told, "Everything alive is for food." Obviously lots of things changed at that time.

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Everyday Hunter